Welcome Back. It's December. And it's my Birthday month!
Who else has a birthday in December?? FitStop wants to celebrate you!

Regardless of what holiday you celebrate this month, December is a very special month. We usually see the first "real" snow fall. People are just a little kinder. Stores are a little busier. Houses are beautifully decorated. And, in case you didn't notice, the gym is getting busier too. I think people of trying to get ahead of their new years resolutions early!
Something else that comes with December are the common cold and the flu.
I'm going to take a moment to chat about these two things in connection with your exercise routine.
1st point. Listen to your body. If you're stubborn like I am, you think you can push through a workout, but sometimes your body says "Whoa. I'm sick. Let me rest." If you are an avid gym goer, this is oftentimes very hard to do--rest.
2nd point. If you are just suffering a little from a head cold--sniffles, cough, teary eyes, etc, then you can still workout. You may choose to lessen the intensity, as head colds are often combined with headaches. Be mindful of spreading germs as well. Wash up after yourself. :)
3rd point. If you have stomach issues, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or a fever, hopefully you will be smart and sit that workout out. Your body is fighting infection and needs rest and fluids. The exercise can come later.
4th point. You will not lose any progress in your exercise and training if you take a day or two or three off. If anything, you'll come back stronger.
Well, sometimes you just need to talk about the yucky stuff! Please take care of yourself, and listen to your body.
Clean shoes in gym please!
If it's not yours, or isn't gym related, don't touch it. It belongs to someone else.
Please scan your own fob at the front desk before coming up to the gym. This is important.
Reminder. We have a Santa's Step-Ups Challenge going on. Let me know if you'd like to try it out! https://sside.ca/StepUpChallenge
Thank you to all the members/non members who took a few minutes of their day to fill in our survey back in Oct/Nov. I truly appreciate it and have collected all the data. Many have asked for evening classes, and as a result, I personally have added 1 more bootcamp to the list. It's on Tuesdays at 6pm. Don't forget to sign up! See you on Tuesday.
That's it for today. Happy first week of December and we will chat soon.
Your coach,