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The FitStop Times- Vol XVIII

Happy Father's Day! And congrats to the dads who signed and filled out the sheet at the entrance of the gym this weekend! I'll be in touch with you about your prizes.

Jordan Thompson, Chris Etuk, Steve Fraser, Chris Rushton, Roland Kuehn, Anthony Selvaggio, Jason Luce, Julian Henry. (I apologize for any misspelling)

These men not only shared how many children/grandchildren they have, but also their personal best in lifting. There are PBs in leg press, bicep curls, rows, bench press, dips, deadlifts. AWESOME work everyone!

Let's talk about personal bests for a second. The beauty of it is that it's personal! It's you against yourself. No one else can beat your PERSONAL best!

“We must appreciate and never underestimate our own inner power.”

- Noah Galloway, former Army Ranger and 2014 Ultimate Men’s Health Guy

Everyone has inner power. It's that part of the brain that doesn't give up. That's what causes these personal bests. We just won't give in to good enough. Find your best and make it personal!

PSA: If you are strong enough to lift the weights, you are strong enough to put them back. Please think of others who may not be as strong as you. Don't leave the 45 lb plates on the bars. Don't leave the DBs hanging around. Thank you.

COMING UP: Weekly or monthly weigh-in. I will be making myself available, starting next week (June 26th) on Wednesdays at 9:50-10am and then again from 12-12:30 to help you weigh in on our scale on a regular basis. I will keep track of it for you. You can come and see me weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc. Measurements are optional, but would take a few extra minutes of my time.

SUMMER SCHEDULE: You will see a few changes to our FitStop class schedule as of July 2nd. Schedule will be posted up this week, along with our schedule for SUMMER Series outdoor Classes at Leger Park!

CHALLENGE: For those who have been following the Deadlift challenge tracker, congrats. It's coming to an end. Please email me and let me know if how you're doing, what your personal best is, and if you learned how to deadlift in a new way.

Have a wonderful week!

Your coach,



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