Welcome back to the blog. Easter day has come and gone and we now going strong through April! Thank you to all those who shared in our binder what your SPRING GOALs are. If you missed that, I had a binder on the desk at the entrance of the gym a couple of weeks ago. However, I would love to still hear your goals, so if you want to share with me: tracy.jones@city.summerside.pe.ca
PSA: please put equipment away after use. Each day I'm here, I see things in the weirdest places. If you can lift the weights in your workout, I'm sure you can lift them to put them back on the rack! Thanks ;)
Also, if you spill water or leave a trail of water drops on the floor, it is greatly appreciated if you can wipe it up. Thanks again!
NEW MEMBERS: There are numerous new people joining the gym lately, and I've been meeting with them and showing them around. To all the regulars: please make all the new members feel at home. If you are someone new, welcome! And if you are thinking about coming, please reach out and let's talk!
APRIL 7th: World Health Day. I recently read somewhere that the healthy man is consumed by and wants a lot of different things. But the unhealthy man wants for only one thing: his health. WOW. That hits hard. We do at times take our health for granted. I encourage you, if you don't already, think of something each day you can do and are grateful to be able to do, because of your health.

Have a great day!!!
Your coach and friend, Tracy