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The FitStop Times (the "Fit" stop here)

There you go, folks. We have a name: The FitStop Times. Brought forward by Tammy Norden. She wins a FitStop water bottle. YAY! And you will also see two catch phrases quite a bit: The Fit stop here! And Feel the Fit! that last one was sent in by Bonnie Lee. Thanks to you both!

SIGN UPS are online, and we've got a full week for you!

  •  Hiit: Sat (tomorrow) 9am/Wed 4:30pm (squash court #2)

  •  DanceFit is back. M/W 10:30am

  • Extra Bootcamps M/W at 11:15am

Try a new Class this week!!

NUTRITION CHALLENGE is set to start Monday, Jan. 8th. This is a 4-week challenge. So many have already signed up and there's still time to do so! Sign up sheet is at the entry of the gym. Please leave an email as that is how you will receive all the info and worksheets and encouragement throughout the challenge. The goal is to build beautiful habits throughout the 4 weeks, however, I will be available to offer continued help and guidance if anyone chooses to reach out.

Word of the Day: Consistency

Take a moment right now and think about all the things you do with consistency throughout the day, the week, the month. For example: you make sure you have your coffee/tea. You check FB/IG/X etc. You take showers (I hope. hee hee). You feed yourself/your family. Anyway, you get the idea. But-and it's a big but- you just can't seem to be "consistent" in taking care of your body. Why is that? Let's take a peek at a few reasons inconsistency could be happening for you:

  1. Too many goals. Stop right there! You want to lose weight, gain muscle, crawl on the floor again, do 100 pushups and 100 pullups in one day, etc. Of course you're going to give up. That's too much. Create SMART Goals. We'll talk about that later.

  2. Fear of failure. Let me break it to you gently. You will fail. Multiple times. However, you will learn from that failure, and become stronger because of it.

  3. Not enough Money. Does anyone really ever have enough $? Do you really need $ to be consistent in exercise? Nope. You just need your body, a space on the floor, and the will to try. Oh, but you want to come to the gym? Ok, let's make that happen! Let's talk about that in another blog.

SMART Goals: S-Specific. Break it down to the littlest thing. M-Measurable. You can track progress. A-Achievable or Attainable. You can see an end. R-Relatable. It makes sense in your lifestyle. T-Timebound. You have a time frame to work in.

So much to say. I hope I didn't lose anyone along the way!

Thanks for reading the FitStop Times!!! Hope you feel the fit today.



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