Ah. The Sun is shining just a little longer. Birds are everywhere. Winter jackets are being replaced with thinner jackets (well, somedays they are...) SPRING is here (sorta). But, for many, this means a world of difference. And it can also mean, let's get to work.
I love a little play on words. So, let's spring into action. Let's spring into fit.
What's happening at the FitStop to help you get going or keep you going?
Ab Challenge. For some, it's nearing the end of week 2, for others they are just getting going. And for some, maybe you included, they are just starting next week!
There are always classes to try out. Classes will still be happening during March Break.
Share your goals this Spring in our little binder at the entrance. Stay anonymous, if you wish. Just know that we are here to encourage each other. You CAN reach your goals.
If you're running out of ideas for workouts, feel free to scan the QR code in the equipment room, or the TRX one in the Stretch room. There's some great ideas there!
PSA: I still feel the need to emphasize CLEAN, INDOOR and PROPER GYM SNEAKERS. I have been sweeping up lots of dirt lately.
I have been doing my best at keeping on schedule to lube all the hydraulics on the weighted/cable machines. I hope they are all working well. I try to go around 1x week.
I do realize a lot of our pins/yellow knobs are breaking. We are looking into this. Please use carefully.
March Break is coming and if you are a parent/guardian of a 12 -14 year old, you can bring him/her to the gym with you. They must be close by you and supervised at all times. In order to use the gym unsupervised, you must be 15 years old and older.
In this same breath, talking about the break, I will not be in office on Monday, March 25th and I will probably be leaving earlier each day, as my own children will be home waiting to do something fun with me. ;)
Feel free to leave comments or suggestions on the paper provided at the entrance of the gym. If you want to be contacted in regards your comment, please leave a legible email.
Thanks so much FitStop goers. You are the best.