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Nutrition comes to FitStop

Hi and welcome to our blog. Today is all about Nutrition!!!

Nutrition is so important. It can't be stressed enough.

-Dwayne Johnson

In fact, nutrition counts for 90% of your healthy living!!

But many of us believe we need to exercise 2-4 hours a day to stay healthy.

Sure you can do that if you want. My hat's off to you. 🎩 And you're welcome to stay at the FitStop as long as you want. 😉

However, you still need to watch what you put in your mouth....

If you struggle with this, we have the program for you.

Foods 2 Flourish is a brand new Nutrition program with a holistic approach to healthy living. FitStop's instructor, Adrienne Mcdonald, is certified in functional nutrition and is offering 1-on-1 sessions in the FitStop office.

Here's a breakdown of all you want to know about this program!

General focus: Nutrition health, meal prepping, meal planning, weight loss and maintenance and mindset.

Specific goals can include: lowering blood pressure, sugars and/or cholesterol.

Price: $80/month with a 3 month commitment.

What is included:

-weekly sessions with Adrienne for 1/2 hour.

-a specialized journal

-monthly measurements

-personalized nutrition plans

-monthly session with Tracy for personalized gym plan and follow up.

Please reach out to Adrienne:

Don't hesitate. This is a great deal and an even better time to work on your nutrition! Call Adrienne today!


Thank you for keeping the gym looking neat! Keep it up!

Birthday Draw: January birthday draw winner is Don Maxmen. Congratulations.

New Challenge: Flexibility February Challenge is starting Feb 3rd!

Your coach,



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