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March on to the FitStop

There is a lot to be thankful for in March. If you stop a second and think about it. The days are longer. Spring is coming. St. Patrick's Day!

It's also the month to be aware of several important issues many face. Such as: Kidney and Liver diseases. The FitStop is going to focus on these two issues this month as well as promote good nutrition. Nutrition is key to preventing so many diseases, including the 2 mentioned here.

Do you honestly know how amazing our kidneys and liver are??

Let's dive in in this blog.

Kidneys: most of us know that our kindneys remove waste and extra fluid from our blood as well as make urine. But they also control our body's chemical balance, help control our blood pressure, help keep our bones healthy and help us make red blood cells.

Liver: There's a list so hang tight! Not only does the liver eliminate toxins, heavy metals and cleanse our bloodstream, but it also controls sugar levels, stores vitamins/minerals, protects our immune system, burns fat, makes energy, controls cholesterol, makes bile, controls weight, makes protein, balances hormones/thyroid/blood pressure and breaks down toxins, chemicals and alcohol. WOW!

Doesn't that make you want to take care of these organs???

So, how can we prevent these diseases? Well, like most, the preventions include exercise, nutrition, and sleep. Managing stress is in there too. Limiting alcohol and smoking is added for the liver.

It truly is a holistic approach to taking care of our insides.

Would you like to dive deeper? Book an appointment with Adrienne at today and get started on your journey to a healthier you!

The Tip of The Day: Start where you, with what you have and when you can. Don't wait for the ideal circumstances to get going on your journey. Start today!

PSA : please remember to put heavy plates and kettlebells back in their proper places. Thank you.

Congratulations to Keirstyn Hamlin! Her name was drawn in the February Birthday Draw 🎂 Happy birthday to you!!

If you have a birthday in March, please enter yourname for some cool swag from FitStop and Matrix.

APP update: I haven't worked on the app for a couple of weeks now but my goal is to have it up and running in April. This app will be used for challenges, encouragement, sharing, and updates.

FitStop family, you all rock!

Your coach,



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