WHAT: Santa’s Step-Ups Challenge
WHEN: Dec. 1st to 31st
WHERE: FitStop or at your home
WHO: anyone willing to get stronger glutes and legs!
WHY: Because who doesn’t want to have a Merry Fitmas and Happy New Rear?
EQUIPMENT NEEDED: aerobic step/risers, stairs, sturdy chair, workout bench, sturdy stool. Weights are always optional.
Santa has been sitting around quite a bit this past year and he's ready to get in shape before his big delivery day!!
Sign up today to receive your tracker/calendar/info and join Santa as he challenges himself to a month of Step-Ups. Reminder to check your junk mail and to look for this email address: tracy.jones@city.summerside.pe.ca. I will also be doing a follow up email at the end of each week!! There will be a check in sheet at the gym to help with your accountability and encourage you along in the challenge!
Yes, I know that this challenge is happening all the month and Christmas and New Year's in there. That makes it all the more "challenging". Don't worry though. We'll take some "rest days". :)
Happy Stepping!
Let's take a few moments to chat about challenges at the gym.
Why do we offer them?
Great question! Challenges of any sort push us to try a little harder, go a little further, do things we may not normally do. If it doesn't challenge you, then it won't change you.
Who chooses the theme?
I do (Tracy). I get ideas from online, from members, from just talking with people.
Who are the Challenges for?
They are for all members and non-members alike. Anyone who would like to add a little extra to their workouts, or who want to push themselves a little harder.
Do the challenges need to be done at the gym?
Not necessarily. If you have the proper equipment and space at your home, you can do it there. It's easier to stay accountable and committed when you come to the gym to do it though.
What exactly is the Step-Up challenge?
Ok. So, a step-up uses many muscles in the leg, from the glute, to the hamstring, to the quad and even the calf. Placing one full foot up on a higher level (so, it could be a step, chair, bench, etc), you will then place all your weight in that foot to raise your body up, tap the other foot next to the stabilizing one and then lower back down. The challenge will take us from simple step-ups like the one described, to more complicated; from bodyweight only to weighted; from low reps to higher.
