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Happy Thanksgiving from the FitStop

It's a great week to practice gratitude, isn't it?

Here's a challenge for you: Every night for 1 week, think on 3 things you are grateful for. It can be anything. Your yummy lunch. Laughing with a friend. Getting your workout in. Anything. Write them down each night. You will see how it helps you look at things in a different light.

I started doing this almost a year ago, and I can honestly say, I LOOK for things to be thankful for and many times, they really surprise me. Like learning a valuable lesson through a big mistake. Or, as is my case right now, being diagnosed with a lifelong illness that helps me put things in perspective. (It's called CLL-Chronic Lymphosytic Leukemia. I'll share more next week).

So, what are you thankful for? I'd love to hear. Share about your challenge experience online and tag us: #FitStop or @creditunionplace but especially tag me personally: @tracyraejones

Last year, I put together a Thanksgiving BINGO. I didn't put out copies, but I thought I would share on here in case you'd like to give it a go!! Have fun and let me know if you do it!

Let's take a few moments and talk nutrition. Face it, we are looking forward to turkey/ham dinner with all the sides and then dessert!! And if you are like most, you will have 2 meals this weekend. However, this doesn't mean you are going to ruin everything you're working for right now. Here are some tips for happy holiday eating:

  1. have a little snack before the big meal. Then you won't be starving and you won't overfill your plate.

  2. Speaking of your plate, don't fill it to the brim. Eat until satisfied, and if you still have room after, get some more. Or save the room for dessert.

  3. Speaking of dessert, don't deprive yourself. (unless you just can't have any of it for medical reasons). Have little pieces/slices. Leave the table feeling happy and satisfied.

  4. If you're worried about how your family cooks the food and feel it's too fatty, or whatever, offer to cook. If you can't do it all, at least the items you're worried about.

  5. Load up on whatever veggies there are. Potatoes are a veggie, but they are also STARCH. Limit your potatoes.

I hope these little tips help you.

PSA: weather is changing and I'd like to remind you to wear clean indoor sneakers. Thank you.

Also, I would greatly appreciate equipment being cleaned and put away after use.

Challenge: We have a Burpee challenge going on right now until Oct. 30th. But you can start anytime.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Your coach, Tracy


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