Welcome back! Just in time too. Lots of updates from the FitStop for you in time for Christmas.
As some of you know, I was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia back in the summer. I will be starting treatment in January and therefore I will not be around as much as normal. I will pop in from time to time to check on everything and see familiar faces, but I will be also focusing on resting my body.
SCHEDULE: That being said, I am working on our January class schedule and it will be posted very soon! I won't be teaching as many classes, but some of our instructors will be offering more. Stay tuned!
APP: Also, in January FitStop will be launching a free App to help us with Challenges and other fitness things! More to come!
NEW PERSONALIZED PROGRAMS: We are also working on details of a Nutrition Program. WOW!
ACCESSORIES RACK: If you haven't been to the gym in the last couple of days, you may not have seen our newest addition. We got a new accessories rack to keep our gym a little cleaner over by the Universal cable machine! It's nice! Take a look:
PLATE TREE: I also moved one of our plate trees into the stretch room. Hopefully there won't be so many random plates on the floor in there anymore ;)
BIRTHDAY MONTH DRAWS: Each month in 2025, I will be doing a draw for some great prizes! If it's your birthday month, put your name in the draw. Draw dates with be determined, but will most likely be at the end of the month.
Some great updates, I think. Happy new year. Keep fit!
Your coach, Tracy