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Find your Fit--even at Christmas time.

Are you someone who's already talking about how much weight you're going to gain over the holidays? Stop it right now! Those words don't belong in your head!

So how do you stay healthy over Christmas then? We'll, if you google just that, you'll find the top 6 ways: get enough sleep, limit alcohol, don't overeat, keep exercising, manage stress, and drink lots of water.

I'd like to add to these, or expand.

  1. Get fresh air. If you're not a winter outdoor person, then open your windows and breath it in!!

  2. If you're able to, let the last thing you do before falling asleep be one of the following: reading a good book, having a conversation with a loved one, petting your animal, Stretching, taking a bath. Put your phone away. You'll sleep better.

  3. Drink more water and if it helps, add flavor to your water. Frozen fruit, lemon or lime, cukes...

  4. Exercise. If you are very busy and don't have time for the gym, don't worry. Grab something with a little weight or resistance and do some squats, lunges, sit ups, curls, shoulder presses, etc. Just do something. Or... grab your skates, skis, sled, shovel, and go have some fun outside!

  5. Live in the moment. Tomorrow has enough worries of its own, but today is now.

I do hope these tips help!


Please put equipment away after use. All equipment, including dumbbells, bands, mats, kbs, etc.

Please sign up for classes. As you know space is limited so it is hard to accept walk-ins. Also, if you've signed up, please make sure to attend or to cancel ahead of time.

If you need help with EZ Facility sign ups, please reach out

There you go, a quick read today!!

Your coach,



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